We’ve been busy behind the scenes…
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our YouTube channel, the home for all things Medi2data in the streamlined form of video!
And we’re not just launching one series either.
Expert Voices: Voices within Primary Care
We’re excited to announce our newly released “Expert Voices” mini-series, featuring leading industry experts from around the Primary Care sector. As individuals with a wealth of experience across various different areas of the NHS, they’ll be using their expertise to candidly analyse pressing issues in the NHS world. This series is designed for everyone – no matter your knowledge of the NHS – so tune in and listen to thought-provoking commentary on key topics from industry experts!
Series 1: Martin Bell, Independent Consultant at “The Martin Bell Partnership”

Kicking off our series is Independent Consultant, Martin Bell, an individual who holds decades of experience within the healthcare and digital IT industries. Running his own independent consultancy business “The Martin Bell Partnership” allows him to have a unique understanding of needs and requirements of the NHS. As an individual who has worked with many corporate health and care IT vendors, investment houses/private equity, and digital health and care start-ups, he’s one to watch!
Get to know Martin as he discusses a variety of topics within Primary Care, including: the benefits of outsourcing within the NHS, three changes he’d like to see made in healthcare, and how AI and its associated technology can be utilised within Primary Care – plus many more…
Season 1 of “Expert Voices” featuring Martin Bell is now live on our YouTube channel, so make sure to check it out!
Coming soon to the Medi2data YouTube channel: Meet the Team
Soon we’re going to be releasing brand new exclusive content featuring our own expert team, delving into how they use their experience and expertise to bring invaluable insight into our services. Featuring staff from all across the business, there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone who wants to find out more about our services, or just a little bit more about us!
Keep your eyes peeled for this very soon…
Want to know exactly when videos are released? Subscribe to our YouTube channel @Medi2data, or follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about any new content!